Fenix Benchtop Miniature XRD/XRF

Fenix Benchtop Miniature XRD/XRF
The Fenix ​​by Examinart is a compact, fast and economical benchtop XRD system for powder analysis. It allows complete identification of major elements, minor elements and trace elements, performing fast XRF analysis of elements from Ca to U. Its exclusive minimal sample preparation technique and analysis chamber allow for rapid analysis that equals that of the bulkiest and most expensive laboratory instruments in quality.

The absence of moving parts and water refrigerators make it robust and resistant: ideal for use in environments subject to extreme conditions (e.g. mobile laboratory).

Its most common applications are: geological studies, oil industry, analysis and quantification of asbestos, pharmaceutical industry, quality control applications, for educational purposes of the XRD technique, in the geological and petrographic field, in environmental investigations for the characterization of asbestos , in customs controls, etc.

X-ray sensor photon-counting deep-depleted CCD, 1024 x 256, 26 μm pixel,
-45°C (Peltier), sealed vacuum, forced air cooling.
X-ray tube ceramic-metal construction, grounded cathode, 30 kV nominal
(adjustable), 10 W max (adjustable), air cooled. Target
material: Co (Cu upon request).
X-ray filter Kβ filter default
XRD range and resolution 5 to 55 °2θ, 0.25 – 0.3 °2θ FWHM
XRF range and resolution 3 to 20 keV, <200 eV FWHM at 5.7 keV
Typical analysis time 5 to 30 min
Ambient temperature 0 to 30 °C
Power input 45 W, 12-24 Vdc from AC adapter or optonal Li batteries.
Size and mass 45 (l) x 18 (w) x 26 (h) cm, 12kg
System requirement laptop or desktop PC with Windoes 10-11 or Linux
PC interface USB 2.0 or 3.0
Control software proprietary software with GUI for control, data viewing and
automated preliminary interpretation.
Data interpretation software PC-based 3rd party software options offered.
eXaminart’s web-app QAnalyze.com available at no cost.
File format export txt, csv, xy, plv, mdi, …and any ASCII format requested.
Transportation ground and air shipping in rugged transport case provided,
checked airline luggage compatible.