To facilitate the heat treatment process, we offer a selection of useful accessories such as Permanent Round Magnets, Copper Shims, Banding Tools, Thermocouple Putty and Ferrules.

BS0100 BS0100

Stainless Steel Banding Strap

BS0200 BS0200

Stainless Steel Banding Clips

BS0300 BS0300

Banding Machine

CS0100 CS0100

Copper Shims ¾"

CS0200 CS0200

Copper Shims ½"

EC0100 EC0100

110v Single Pole Electromagnetic Contactor (with Magnet)

EC0101 EC0101

220v Single Pole Electromagnetic Contactor (with Magnet)

EC0200 EC0200

110v Single Pole Electromagnetic Contactor (without Magnet)

EC0201 EC0201

220v Single Pole Electromagnetic Contactor (without Magnet)

ER0100 ER0100

Energy Regulator

FA0100 FA0100

Cooling Fan for Heat Treatment Units

KB0100 KB0100

Knob for Energy Regulator

PT0100 PT0100

Thermocouple Putty

RM0100 RM0100

Permanent Round Magnet

RS0100 RS0100

Rocker Switch (Auto/Manual)

SC0100 SC0100

Crimping Ferrule

WF0100 WF0100

Welding Ferrule